Openly Broken

Openly Broken
For African American Women dealing with Depression

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Untitled poem by Chiquita Hyche

You say it's selfish of me to take my own life
Well I think it's selfish of you to want me in pain
I don't think you really understand how bad I just want the pain to go away
I'm tired of feeling like this
Every time I close my eyes
I relive every moment that put me in pain in the first place
My mind be playing these games with me
It's telling me to leave
It's telling me to stay
But if I stay the pain won't go away
I often question myself--What's the purpose?
Why am I here?
Am I here to endure more pain?
I keep battling with these demons that I just want to get away from
I pray
I cry
I pray
I cry
The drinking only makes me forget my pain momentarily
I really don't know if things are getting better
or am I just use to it
I just want it to go away
Why me???
I mean it is...
but hey who else is living my life?
but these are just my thoughts from a broken soul

Chiquita Hyche is a poet, nail tech, and a long time friend. Follow her on Instagram @naildbyjuicy

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