Openly Broken

Openly Broken
For African American Women dealing with Depression

Monday, April 9, 2018

"Broken Clocks" A Poem by Tonisha N.

Broken Clocks

She had her heartbroken long before she was interested in a man
Holding on to the saying “father’s are a girl’s best friend”
But where was he when she needed that influence
Jumping from house to house
And bed to bed
Neglecting to settle down and make a home with a wife and kids
And even when he did she was nowhere apart of his plan
Now she’s all grown up jumping from bed to bed looking for the right man to heal that heartbreak that her father did
Accepting black eyes
And lies
Hoping that one day that man that she’s sleeping beside will become the man that had her up late at night with tears in her eyes
That little girl longing for a father is now a woman
And that woman is struggling to overcome it
How do you trust a man when the one who was supposed to teach you just up and disappeared
Now you’re just living a lie
With a constant why in the back of your head
Was you just not good enough
Or was he just not a man

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