Openly Broken

Openly Broken
For African American Women dealing with Depression

Monday, December 18, 2017

Morning Inspirational Walk! "Stop Trying to Please People"

Come Walk With Me!

Stop trying to please people! Stop trying to make people love you!  It's exhausting.  I had to stop and take a moment and recognize just how much my life was centered around censoring myself and tailoring myself to fit into everyone else's mold.

The love, recognition, the likes, the hearts, the approval, the appreciation that we seek from others will NEVER be enough! Whatever we do in this life we have to do it for God and for ourselves.  The attention we seek from others will NEVER be enough to satisfy us! If you're doing anything for the sole purpose of getting accolades please stop!  The praise will never be enough.

I've found that when I do things for the right reasons I am completely satisfied.  I'm not checking for responses or returned favors.  However when I've done something just to say I've done it or so that someone can owe me something I am always disappointed.  Especially when they don't return the favor or return it in the time that I wish it was returned.

Stay focused on doing what God has made you to do!  He will always make provision!

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