Openly Broken

Openly Broken
For African American Women dealing with Depression

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Untitled Poem by Candace Smith

We us…all of us women.
 We make up one woman, with one voice.
 We are one. 
One shape.
  One color.
Our individual shades and curves make up one body. 
Just as the body has many curves and grooves with fades of shades of a pallet of brown.
We are different.
 We each serve a purpose.
 But we are one.
We have one plight. 
One cry.
 One voice. 
Are we heard. 
We are confused because we each say something different.
No one has to kill us because we kill ourselves.
 Our body (because we are one body) fight each other. 
The cells that were created to protect turn on each other and attack. 
We, if united would be very strong. 

But we are not.